Tuesday, June 14, 2016

1LT Conrad Friedrich Gustav Pankow

1LT Conrad Friedrich Gustav Pankow was born 26 Sep 1918 in Greendale, North Dakota. He was the 5th of 11 children born to Friedrich Johann August and Anna Johanna Christine (Hubrig) Pankow. His father farmed near Belford, North Dakota. Conrad attended the Greendale grammar school and then the Hankinson High School where he was an honor student and graduated as Valedictorian. He then attended Valpariso University, University of North Dakota at Grand Forks and University of Minnesota at Minneapolis.

Conrad entered the Army from the University of Minnesota and had his basic training at Camp Barkeley near Abilene, Texas. He was then selected for Officers Candidate training which he attended at Fort Benning, Georgia. Commissioned as a 2LT, he was then sent to Camp Roberts, California before goint to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri where he was promoted to 1LT. In the fall of 1943 1LT Pankow was sent to England and there assigned to H Company 116th Infantry on 1 Jun 1944 when the officer ranks were reinforced due to anticipated losses. It was in a a 26 Mar 1944 letter to his parents that he wrote of his expectations,

"Soon - I do not know how soon - I shall have to demonstrate not only how much or how well I have learned the art of killing, but also how well I have taught that abominable art to others.
I know what's ahead. It won't be another pleasure trip, but though it may cost me my life, I wouldn't want to miss it.
Should I be among the many who inevitably must fall, remember that I didn't go forth without realizing the possibility that I might lose my life. Remember, too, that I give my life willingly, that I die out of love for my country and all of its people - even the traitors and selfish slackers.
If I should die on the battlefield, I beg you to leave my body there ... Some day our government may provide you the opportunity to visit my grave. If so, avail yourself of that opportunity."
Initially reported as missing in action it was quickly determined that 1LT Pankow was killed in action on 14 Jun 1944.

1LT Pankow rests forever in the Normandy American Cemetery.

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