Monday, June 6, 2016

SGT Wesley Darby Sisson

SGT Wesley Darby Sisson was born in Richmond, Virginia on 27 Feb 1917 to William Leonard and Mary Virginia (Rock) Sisson.  The 4th of their 8 children, Wesley helped on the family farm but, unusual for that time, managed to spend some time acquiring a college education.

Wesley entered active duty with his National Guard unit in February 1941 when the unit was federalized.  

On 31 May 1941, he married Clara Burnette Hughes. Clara served as a WAVE during the war, reportedly specializing in classified communications.   

SGT Sisson was assigned to I Company 116th Infantry.  On D-Day he was in the fourth boat section (2nd assault section) and landed in waist deep water. He was hit in the shoulder by machine gun bullets while crossing the beach but made it to the sea wall. SGT Sisson died later on the beach at the wall, 6 Jun 1944.

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