Monday, June 6, 2016

PVT Frank Ira Fissette

PVT Frank Ira Fissette was born 12 Jan 1912 to Arthur Oliver and Grace Myrtle (Brainard) Fissette in Stewartstown, New Hampshire.  Arthur supported the family by farming.  In 1940, Frank was working cutting pulpwood. 

At the time Frank was drafted in December 1942, he was apparently working as a fireman.  On 1 Jan 1943 Frank married Jeanette M. Gadwah.  It must have been shortly afterwards that he was sent overseas and assigned to F Company 116th Infantry.  He was with the unit on 6 Jun 1944, D-Day, and was killed during the amphibious assault on "fortress Europe". 

PVT Fissette is buried in Colebrook Village Cemetery in Colebrook, New Hampshire.  Jeanette never re-married.

Brother Wilfred Charles Fissette served as a CPL during the war.

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