Monday, June 6, 2016

PVT Thurman Allen Green

courtesy of Bessie Savery
PVT Thurman Allen Green was born in 1916 to Samuel Roscoe and Ollie Cleo (Webb) Green most likely in White County, Tennessee. His father was a coal miner. In 1930, Thurman was working as a newsboy.  Samuel died in 1937 and Thurman helped support his mother and himself by farming.

Thurman was drafted in May 1941 and at the time was working as a miner.  Thurman was sent to England and assigned to D Company 116th Infantry in time to prepare for the D-Day landings.  He was with the unit when wounded on 6 Jun 1944.  PVT Green died of his wounds that same day. 

PVT Green is buried in the Normandy American Cemetery.

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