Monday, June 6, 2016

SGT John Taylor Blacknall Jr.

SGT John Taylor Blacknall Jr was born 6 Jun 1944 to John Taylor and Percie E (Beasley) Blacknall in Raleigh, North Carolina. When he died in 1928 John Sr was superintendent of a power generation plant.  In 1930 John Jr was rooming with John Timberlake's family.  John Timberlake was Commissioner of Revenue in Williamsburg.

On 27 Aug 1932 John married Francis Harris.  In the 1940 census John was clerking in a store.  In April 1941 John was drafted.

We don't know what the "career" path was for SGT Blacknall but on D-Day he was assigned to M Company 116th Infantry.  He was killed in action on his 32nd birthday, 6 Jun 1944. 

SGT Blacknall is now buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

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